Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hogwarts (11x14)

This is by far the most complicated painting I have made to date. The details were, quite frankly, a bit intimidating. I took my time and painted this one in three steps: the sky, the castle, and the water with the boats. All together, I spent about 8 hours painting this one. But I am so proud of how it came out! I am gaining confidence in my craft.

The world of Harry Potter holds a special place in my heart. This scene depicts the first year students arriving at their new school for the first time. I dedicate this work to the final movie, coming out in just weeks. Lumos!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Long Beach (11x14)

This painting is based on my mother's photography (see We took a trip to Long Beach, Washington a few years ago and the beach was covered in a blanket of fog. This image captures the tranquility of that day.